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County Attorney's Office

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Adopted/Effective Date:  12.18.2018
Description: A Resolution Authorizing and Empowering County Commissioners of Washington County (the “County”), Pursuant to and in accordance with the Maryland Economic Development Revenue Bond Act (the “Act”), to Issue and Sell, at One Time or From Time to Time, as Limited Obligations and Not Upon its Faith and Credit or Pledge of its Taxing Power, its Economic Development Refunding Revenue Bonds in One or More Series in an Aggregate Principal Amount not to Exceed $17,500,000, and to Loan the Proceeds from the Sale of such Bonds to Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries (the “Borrower”)….(Adopted December 18, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  12.11.2018
Description: Resolution – Award of a contract for the purchase of six (6) 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe Police Pursuit Vehicles (“Pursuit Vehicles”) to Hertrich Fleet, of Milford, Delaware, under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with the State of Maryland Department of General Services Office of Procurement and Logistics (“State of Maryland”), pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland) (Adopted December 11, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  11.13.2018
Description: A Resolution to Approve the Conveyance of a Historic Preservation Easement to the Maryland Historical Trust (Re:  Camp Ritchie Historic District – Historic Preservation Easement) (Adopted November 13, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  10.16.2018
Description: Resolution – ACT® Work Ready Communities Initiative (Adopted October 16, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  10.16.2018
Description: Resolution –  Award of a contract for the purchase and installation of cameras, all related hardware and software of the Virtual Perimeter Monitoring System – Phase IV (VMPS), along with upgrading the terminal access control systems (the “System”) for the Hagerstown Regional Airport from Skyline Technology Solutions (“Skyline”) of Glen Burnie, Maryland, under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with Carroll County Government, pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland) (Adopted October 16, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.28.2018
Description: Resolution – Award of a contract for the purchase of Two (2) Utility Tractors (“Utility Tractors”) from Smith’s Implements, Inc. of Hagerstown, Maryland, through Deere & Company of Cary, North Carolina, for the Washington County Highway Department under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with the State of Maryland, pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland) (Adopted August 28, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.28.2018
Description: Resolution – Award of a contract for the purchase of Three (3) 4 x 2 Mack Dump Trucks (“Dump Trucks”) from Potomac Truck Center, Inc. of Bladensburg, Maryland, for the Washington County Highway Department under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with the Howard County, Maryland – Office of Purchasing, pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland) (Adopted August 28, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.28.2018
Description: Resolution – Nonprofit Organizations Listed Under Section 1-108 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland (Adopted August 28, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.14.2018
Description: A Resolution Declaring the Official Intent of County Commissioners of Washington County (the “County”) to Issue One or More Series of its Revenue Bonds in Original Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000)… (Re:  Willow Investment Holdings, LLC and/or its Affiliate Beachley Furniture Company, Inc.) (Adopted August 14, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  7.24.2018
Description: Resolution – Award of a Contract to Witmer Public Safety Group, Inc. (“Witmer”) for the purchase of twenty-five (25) sets of Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) for use by the  Division of Emergency Services under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with the State of New Jersey, pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland) 

Adopted/Effective Date:  7.17.2018
Description: Resolution – Re: Washington County Hazard Mitigation Plan 

Adopted/Effective Date:  7.17.2018
Description: Resolution – Endorsement of MEDAF Loan and Local Incentives 

Adopted/Effective Date:  7.17.2018
Description: A Resolution Delegating Certain Authority to the Chief Finance Officer of Washington County, Maryland 

Adopted/Effective Date:  7.10.2018
Description: Amended Resolution – Authorization to Seek Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds in an amount up to $51,455.00 (YMCA After-School Program in Hancock, Maryland) (Adopted July 10, 2018) – [Amends Resolution No. RS-2018-12]

Adopted/Effective Date:  6.5.2018
Description: Resolution – Endorsement of MEDAAF Loan (Maryland Theatre Expansion Project)

Adopted/Effective Date:  6.5.2018
Description: Resolution – Award of a contract to Tactical Public Safety, LLC (“TPS”) for the purchase of twenty-three (23) P25 Portable Radios (“Radios”) for use by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and three (3) Radios for use by the Washington County Health Department under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (“MWCOG”), pursuant to  Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland) 

Adopted/Effective Date:  6.5.2018
Description: Resolution – Authorization to Seek Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds in an amount up to $51,455.00)

Adopted/Effective Date:  5.30.18 / 7.1.18
Description: Resolution for Adoption and Modification of Rules and Regulations, Landfill and Convenience Box Fees and Charges (Adopted May 30, 2018, effective July 1, 2018

Adopted/Effective Date:  5.22.18 / 7.1.18
Description: Modification of Water and Sewer Rates – Department of Water Quality (FY 2019) (Adopted May 22, 2018, effective July 1, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  5.22.18
Description: Resolution – Award of a contract for the purchase of One (1) Schwarze A8 Twister Street Sweeper (“Street Sweeper”) from Schwarze Industries, Inc. of Huntsville, Alabama, for the Washington County Highway Department under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with National Joint Powers Alliance (“NJPA”), pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland 

Adopted/Effective Date:  5.22.18
Description: A Resolution to Adopt a Revised Comprehensive Plan Map for the Urban Growth Area of Washington County, Maryland (CP-17-001)

Adopted/Effective Date:  4.24.18
Description: A Resolution Authorizing and Empowering County Commissioners of Washington County to Issue and Sell at Public Sale, Upon its Full Faith and Credit, a Series of its General Obligation Bonds designated “County Commissioners of Washington County Public Improvement Bonds of 2018,” in the Original Aggregate Principal Amount of $14,485,000.

Adopted/Effective Date:  4.10.18
Description: Award of a contract to Witmer Public Safety Group, Inc. (“Witmer”) for the purchase of fifty (50) sets of Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) for use by the Division of Emergency Services under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with the State of New Jersey, pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Coe of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland 

Adopted/Effective Date:  3.27.18
Description: Authorizing the President of the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Maryland to File an Application with the Maryland Transit Administration of the Maryland Department of Transportation for Sections 5303, 5304, 5307, 5309, 5310, 5311, 5316 and/or 5317 Grants under the Federal Transit Act (March 27, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  3.20.18
Description: Award of a contract for the purchase of four (4) 2018 Ford Escape, 4-Wheel Drive Compact Utility Vehicles and one (1) 2018 Dodge Ram 1500, ½ Ton Pickup truck (“Vehicles”) to Hertrich Fleet Services, Inc. of Milford, Delaware, for the Washington County Division of Engineering & Construction Management under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with the State of Maryland Department of General Services Office of Procurement and Logistics (“State of Maryland”), pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland (Adopted March 20, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  2.13.18
Description:  Resolution – Award of a contract for the purchase of two (2) 2018 Ford Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles (“Utility Vehicles”) to Hertrich Fleet Services, Inc., of Milford, Delaware, under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with the State of Maryland Department of General Services Office of Procurement and Logistics (“State of Maryland”), pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland (Adopted February 13, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  2.13.18
Description:  Resolution – Award of a contract for the purchase of two (2) 2018 Ford F350 Extended Cab Pickup Trucks (“Pickup Trucks”) to Hertrich Fleet Services, Inc., of Milford, Delaware, under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with the State of Maryland Department of General Services Office of Procurement and Logistics (“State of Maryland”), pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland (Adopted February 13, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  1.16.18
Description:  Resolution – Award of a contract for the purchase and installation of twenty-two (22) On-Vehicle Video Surveillance Systems (the “Systems”) for the Washington County Transit Department for IVS, Inc., dba Angle Trax, of Dothan, Alabama, under an intergovernmental cooperative purchasing arrangement with Harford County Department of Procurement of Bel Air, Maryland, pursuant to Section 1-106.3 of the Code of the Public Local Laws of Washington County, Maryland (Adopted January 16, 2018)


Adopted/Effective Date:  11.27.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map for Washington County, Maryland (RZ-18-004 – Perry and Melissa Brazil) (Adopted November 27, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  11.13.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of Real Property (Part of  20815, 20912, and 20977 Mousetown Road, Boonsboro,  MD) (Adopted November 13, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  10.16.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of Real Property (Showalter Road Extension Project) (Adopted October 16, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  10.16.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of Real Property (915 Antietam Drive, Hagerstown, Maryland) (Adopted October 16, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  10.16.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve and Accept the Dedication of Real Property (Crayton Boulevard Extended Road Project – Property Dedications) (Adopted October 16, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  10.16.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Exempt Leased Property from County Real Property Taxes (RJC Hangar 17A, LLC) (Adopted October 16, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  9.25.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement Under the Maryland Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) (Re:  Horst CREP Easement) (Adopted September 25, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  9.18.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement Under the Maryland Rural Legacy Program (Re:  McCleary RLP Conservation Easement) (Adopted September 18, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  9.18.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of Real Property (Professional (Court) Boulevard Extension – Eastern Boulevard to Yale Drive project) (Adopted September 18, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.28.2018
Description:  An Ordinance to Declare Certain Real Property as Surplus Property and to Approve the Conveyance of said Real Property (former Fort Ritchie Military Reservation)  (Adopted August 28, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.28.2018
Description:  An Ordinance to Declare Certain Real Property as Surplus Property and to Approve the Conveyance of said Real Property (former Winter Street School property)  (Adopted August 28, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.28.2018
Description:  An Ordinance to Approve the Conveyance of Certain Real Property (property for new Sharpsburg Elementary School) (Adopted August 28, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.28.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Repeal an Ordinance Entitled “An Ordinance to Provide Tax Credits for Agricultural Land in Washington County, Maryland” and to Reenact, with Amendments, the Washington County Agricultural Real Property Tax Credit Ordinance (Adopted and effective August 28, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.28.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Repeal and to Reenact, with Amendments, an Ordinance Entitled “Ordinance for the Establishment of Agricultural Land Preservation Districts” (Adopted and effective August 28, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  8.14.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement Under the Maryland Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) (Re:  Hopkins Family Trust CREP Easement) (Adopted August 14, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  7.10.2018
Description: Curative Ordinance – An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement Under the Maryland Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) (Adopted July 10, 2018) (Miller CREP Easement) – [CORRECTS ORDINANCE NO. ORD-2018-14]

Adopted/Effective Date:  6.5.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Declare Certain Real Property as Surplus Property and to Approve the Conveyance of said Real Property (former Job Development Center property)

Adopted/Effective Date:  6.5.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement Under the Maryland Rural Legacy Program (Re:  Miller RLP Conservation Easement) 

Adopted/Effective Date:  6.5.2018
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement Under the Maryland Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) (Re:  Miller CREP Easement)

Adopted/Effective Date:  5.22.18 / 6.1.18
Description: An Ordinance Restating, with Amendment, the “Washington County, Maryland Disabled Veterans’ Real Property Tax Credit Ordinance” (Adopted May 22, 2018, effective the 1stday of June, 2018, and applicable to all taxable years beginning after June 30, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  5.22.18
Description: An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map for Washington County, Maryland (RZ-17-010) 

Adopted/Effective Date:  5.15.18
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement under the Maryland Rural Legacy Program and Under the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, a Program of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (Re: Firnhaber RLP/ACEP Conservation Easement)

Adopted/Effective Date:  5.15.18
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement under the Maryland Rural Legacy Program and Under the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, a Program of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (Re: Benton RLP/ACEP Conservation Easement)

Adopted/Effective Date:  4.10.18
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement under the Maryland Rural Legacy Program (Re: Morgan 2018 RLP Conservation Easement)

Adopted/Effective Date:  4.10.18
Description: An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement under the Maryland Rural Legacy Program (Re: Coulter RLP Conservation Easement)

Adopted/Effective Date:  4.10.18
Description: An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map for Washington County, Maryland (RZ-17-004)

Adopted/Effective Date:  3.27.18
Description:  An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map for Washington County, Maryland (RZ-17-006) (Adopted March 27, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  2.13.18
Description:  An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement under the Maryland Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) (Re: Long CREP Easement) (Adopted on February 13, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  2.6.18
Description:  An Ordinance to Approve the Purchase of a Conservation Easement under the Maryland Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) (Re: Jarmy CREP Easement)

Adopted/Effective Date:  1.16.18
Description:  An Ordinance to Amend Certain Provisions of the Zoning Ordinance for Washington County, Maryland (RZ-17-007: Accommodation and Event Facilities) (Adopted and effective January 16, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  1.16.18
Description:  An Ordinance to Declare Certain Real Property as Surplus Property and to Approve the Conveyance of said Real Property (12408 Learning Lane, Hagerstown, Maryland) (Adopted January 16, 2018)

Adopted/Effective Date:  1.16.18
Description:  An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map for Washington County, Maryland (RZ-17-009) (Adopted and effective January 16, 2018)

County Attorney's Office

100 West Washington Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Suite 1101
Phone: 240-313-2230
Fax: 240-313-2231
Liberal Leave is in effective for Washington County Government


Liberal leave is in effect for all non-essential personal on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, until noon. Essential personnel are expected to fulfill their duties as usual.

The starting time for today’s Board of County Commissioners meeting will be reevaluated at 9:00 am.

For those required to travel, exercise caution on the roadways. If driving is necessary, ensure your vehicle is completely cleared, drive at a reduced speed, practice caution, and avoid crowding or passing plows.
We’ll keep the public informed of any changes. Stay updated by monitoring Washington County Government’s website and social media channels for the latest information. Your safety is our priority!