Washington County > Plan Review > BZA – Weed Control Ordinance Information
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BZA – Weed Control Ordinance
The Washington County Weed Control Ordinance was enacted policy to prohibit any owner, occupant, or person in control of any lot or parcels of land within Washington County to allow or maintain on any such lot or parcel of land or other rank vegetation to a height over eighteen (18) inches; and every owner, occupant or person in control of any lot or lands within Washington County shall cause said lot or lands to be kept free from ragweeds, poison ivy, and all other noxious weeds which are generally known to be allergenic, skin irritant, or toxic when ingested. Such weeds may be destroyed by spraying with a chemical compound, by cutting and removal, by plowing under, or by such other method recommended by the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service.
For more information, visit the Washington County Weed Ordinance on the Washington County website at Weed Control Ordinance

Washington County Administrative Annex
80 West Baltimore Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Phone: 240-313-2460
Fax: 240-313-2461
TTY users: MD Relay 711
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.