Blue Ridge Physical and Hand Therapy/ O’Neill Physical Therapy
About Us
Excellent physical and occupational therapy care provided to all patients. We treat any issue from pain to stroke to knee replacements. Specializing in lymphedema, pelvic floor and hand therapy.
Established in WashCo: 1982
Tel: 301-733-3844
Fax: 301-733-3804
Website: http://www.hagerstownpt.com
227 N Cleveland Avenue
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Employment data
P/T Employees: 6
F/T Employees: 3
F/T Union Employees: 0
P/T Union Employees: 0
Union Affiliation: 0

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Accepts Credit Cards
Charging Outlets
Covered Parking
Street Parking
This business has been in the Hagerstown area for 41 years. We have very experienced therapists with excellent one on one patient focused care. You will not be disappointed. You need not find another clinic as we offer many specialties in addition to the regular therapy routine. We have certified therapists in lymphedema, hand therapy and pelvic floor. We also offer massage therapy provided by skilled physical therapists.